TV the way it should be
With Freeview, you can watch over 60 digital TV channels and up
to 15 HD channels through your aerial. No monthly cost, no
contracts, no fuss. And with new Freeview Play, you can see 95%
of the nation’s favourite TV, live and on demand, all without a
subscription, straight from your TV Guide.
Unbelievably Good TV
With a Freesat box or a TV with Freesat built in, you can
enjoy over 200 TV and radio channels with no monthly bills.
If you’re looking for more, our smart set-top boxes put you
in control with the ability to record upcoming programmes
and access the UK's favourite Catch Up services.
Simply Smart TV
YouView provides access to free-to-air Digital Terrestrial
Television channels in common with Freeview and to
TV on demand (catch-up TV) services via a set-top box,
connected with both a broadband Internet connection
and a television aerial.
No contract is required, and there is no subscription charge.